
At SereniShade, we're committed to providing innovative sleep solutions that enhance comfort and promote better rest. With a focus on quality, affordability, and convenience, we aim to empower our customers to enjoy restful nights and energized days, wherever they may be.

  • Katie M.

    The band is super soft and comfortable to wear. It's tight enough to stay on my head, but loose enough so it's not squeezing me and causing a headache. It's lightweight and made from moisture wicking fabric to help keep you cool. The headphones themselves are thin and relatively unobtrusive. You can move them around in their pockets to some extent so they're in the best spot for your head/ears.

  • Corry C.

    This headphone band is super comfortable to wear, stays in place while I sleep, and has better than expected sound. I was afraid I would break it, but they have held up to use. I basically can't feel the headphones themselves when I'm lying down, and they're easy to adjust the position to get them properly situated over your ears. The battery lasts forever. I just set a timer on the app I'm listening from and, even on standby for the rest of the night, they battery lasts over a week.

  • Andeen A.

    The first time I tried them on, I thought the sound was a bit too low and wouldn’t be as immersive as I needed when I slept. Then I realized I was using them wrong. I needed to lay down on my side the way that I actually sleep. Once I did that, and the earbud was right next to my ear, it was amazing. I tried them out that night, and I love them. I use Brown Noise to help me sleep deeply and having that sound comfortably in my ears, no matter which side I slept on, and how much I tossed and turned, gave me a very satisfying night sleep.